My child has had a headcold for about a day and a half.cough barky cough from boogers,sometimes sounds harsh,boogers,sinus drainage,woke at 3 a.m. -couldnt breath,it was due to phlem.steam,nebulizer treatment every 4 hours,lots of juice,and kids mucinex every 4 hours,constant noseblowing and coughing up phlem when possible..i continued this until 7 am...child was back to normal,with slight boogers,noseblowing was a constant,has had no temp at all through this,full pink tone returned to face.not flush and off he went to swollen tonsils..i looked to see if there was build up or anything..and none.went to school.came home today at 3 pm..had bad cough,all over again the symptoms started!! so i redid what i knew..steam,medicines, seemed i grabbed the flashlight,looked into his throat,and i couldnt see it! 1 side looks completely closed! the other 1/2 first thought- airway! if that other side closed..yikes! rushed him to hospital.was there a total of 2 minutes with doctor..doc came in,did the flashlight in the throat,and without further looking into my sons problem,though he was breathing ok,and wasnt coughing then,never did a culture,she said';i think its a viral infection.see your doctor in a few days if it doesnt get better';,and sent us home! no explaination,no meds,no treatment for home...and we get home..And guess what! same symptoms again..coughing,wheezing from buggers,stuffed up,nebs,mucinex.
i am calling pediatrician in the morning,and getting him in there asap.,
my question is,since he has airway open now(doc says there is enough room for air),it is late in the evening there anything i would watch out for until he gets to his pedi?? should i continue this treatment until a.m. ??
anything i can do to help shrink his tonsils ?? i am really upset at the e.r. doc,and not sure if anyone else has gone through this??? can someone please help! i am scared to go to sleep tonight,and i am a nervous wreck now!8 YR OLD WITH REALLY BAD TONSILITIS AND UPPER RESP.INFECTION..ANYONE HAVE WORDS OF ADVICE?? HELP.?
its always a good idea to keep a child home a day after it seems things have cleared up because of all the germs in a school. Be careful you aren't giving him too much mucinex also. Have you tried switching meds at all? Mucinex might work for you, but maybe its not whats best for him. As for the ER You should take him back if it gets worse tonight, If its a viral it could be she told you to check back with your doctor because it will take a few days to run the culture.. Deff get him into the pedi in the morning, and dont send him back to school immediately just because he looks better! monitor him for a day, epically when hes recovering from a bad cold like this one!
Tonight you should sleep with him if you really think his tonsils are that bad. Maybe try some hot apple cider vinegar and honey tea, and some chix noodle soup. Im sure hes going to be fine, because it sounds more like you're freaking than anything. What are you doing on the computer? Go make the kid some hot tea and check his temp. STOP FILLING HIM UP WITH MUCINEX.8 YR OLD WITH REALLY BAD TONSILITIS AND UPPER RESP.INFECTION..ANYONE HAVE WORDS OF ADVICE?? HELP.?
When I had an asthma attack my mom would steam the bathroom up by running the shower to help loosen up all that crap in my lungs. You might also set an alarm so you can check on him throughout the night. Good luck!
Warm water?
Salt Water?
Hot bath?
Im only 16 but hey, give me some credit for remembering some of moms remedies!
i gave my nine year old salt water
Boy I don't like this -- it sounds like croup to me.
What we did (and this was on the advice of our doc) was ';steam'; our sick kid in the bathroom -- turn on the shower full blast on hot, and sit in there and let him breathe the steam. Then (and I know this sounds insane) go right to the freezer and let him stick his head in. Yes we did this with babies with croup (the barking cough is characteristic). Somehow this temperature change helps things break up and allow them to breathe better. We made it through many evenings steaming and breathing chilled air.
If you your child is in major distress, head to the ER and DEMAND attention from a different doc. Better to be thought as a hysteric than to have something terrible happen to your child. My sister in law is no genius, but she had to do this after her child was sent home twice from the doctors saying he was ';fine, a virus';. Turns out when she went to the ER, they did blood work and he had something bizarre -- a human version of parvo of all things. He would have died if she hadn't ';over-reacted';. So if your gut says -- something is terribly wrong -- go for it.
You are in for a long night either way. My sympathies and hopes for a rapid recovery for your child.
? Sorry for answering a question with a question... but..
were you not upset with the Dr at that time? I mean did you all of a sudden get upset? Seriously.. Drs take the time to tell me everything because I dont let them leave until they do. Heaven help them if they try to short change my daughters medical. And you should see my wife go after them when it comes to our son.
I would be back in the ER until everything is resolved. If they dont like it and want to get rid of me, then they take care of my child.
As for what to do right now.. HOT shower, as hot as your child can stand it, then hotter but sitting outside of it, let their nose run and run to get rid of the mucus. Sleep sitting up or angled up so as to let the drainage run and not clog airways. Keep the child bundled up, sweatting is good. Keep cold liquids going in to keep from dehydration. gargling with saltwater DOES help.. but try telling that to an 8 year old and if they swallow... ... lets just not do that one. Some treatments can do more harm than good. Put your ear to their back as they breath and listen... there is a difference between a rasping sound in the bottom of their throat and the top of their lungs. If it is in the throat that is good. If it is in the lungs that is bad. I own a stethiscope (no its not spelled right, you dont have to know how to spell it to use it) ANYtime my kids have breathing issues I listen to their lungs. I had asthma, my son has asthma. Get one and learn to use it. Test it on yourself, you know when you have trouble breathing in your lungs or throat, listen to yourself so you will know with your kids. Get your pedi to give you some pointers.
Take our child to the pediatrician and ask to be able to go see an ear/nose/throat dr. It sounds to me that he needs his tonsils/adenoids taken out. I mean if this is a problem that you are having frequently. Get the baby so help. Try salt water, letting his gragle it sometimes helps. On he neb treatments, I would continue them-my son stays on them.Try letting him lay on his belly and patting his sides/from bottom to under his arms, a few time after teh treatment. On the Mucinex- my girls couldn't take it, it did break up the crud, but made them get strangled. Try letting him take a shower hotter than normal, and breathing in hte steam. ER Dr.'s are quacks all over.
it clearly is a viral infection if his tonsuls are infalmed.. if this is an on going thing, and when he is laying down and sleeping and its harder for him to breathe, then clearly he needs them taking out. the viral infection can cause fever, can cause headaches from dreamin from lack of air going to the brain. if its just a time case of tonsalites which was caused by a common cold, then he will get over it. but if he constantly has inflamed tonsals and keeps gettin sick from it, then they are doing him more harm then good and they need to be taken out asap.
If his cough is really dry %26amp; ';barky'; sounding, like you described, then it's croup. It's known for being worse at night time. Croup is a viral thing if I'm not mistaken. I would give him Tylenol or Motrin to make him more comforatable %26amp; run a vaporizer in his room. Also, rub some Vicks on his chest to help him breathe a bit better. And don't send him to school. He probly don't feel like %26amp; he can use the rest.
Give him warm liquids, soups, broths etc.
IF it is croup, then his Dr. will prescribe him a sterioid more than likely %26amp; keep him out of school for like 48 hrs.
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