Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Something is not right here....any words of advice?

I have a girlfriend that I've been dating for a few months. It is a long distance relationship but during the first few months everything was great. However, I've discovered that when she is in a situation where she is uncomfortable (even the slightest) she breaks down and cries. For example, she went to a wedding ceremony at a Catholic church with me. She is a different denomination where the service is totally different. During the service, she started crying!! telling me that she doesn't know what to do. She said she felt ';left out';. My folks tried to tell her that it was alright for her not knowing what to do but she felt that my folks were somehow judging her for it. When we talked about it , she started snapping at me and twisting my words of encouragement. She tells me that she needs to know ';these things'; beforehand so she feels more in control. But it's like whatever I say it isn't right and then gets thrown back at me where I feel I'm defending myself.

?????Something is not right here....any words of advice?
yes I think those tears come from a lot deeper then she is willing to confess. She seems to me to have a emotional problem.

And unfortunately u stuck slap bang in the middle of it.

But be careful, she could be using her emotions to make u feel sorry for her, people with those symptoms can use it as a emotional stick to beat u with .JUST a warning not a fact.Something is not right here....any words of advice?
if you love her dearly, try your best to fix the problem. i suggest tho that you get professional help. she needs that. goodluck.
she sounds like an emotional wreck. call ur local therapist
It can be scary, being put in a situation where you are completely lost to what is going on around you. I am not catholic, but the couple of times that i went i was very uncomfortable. If you know that she is this way, it probably wouldnt hurt to do a dry run before you go. That way she has a better understanding of what to expect and she can feel she is making a good impression to those around her.

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