... to a guy whose gonna tie the knot later on down the line.
Truthfully, its a little nerve-racking, seeing all of the problems going on in marriage (i.e. Y! Answers). Children being used as pawns ( ... guys fault? ..., uh ... nm, ... won't go there), the screaming, bickering, abuse, etc.
What advice would you impart or tell a guy to keep in mind, so as to have a smooth, almost, trouble-free marriage?
What is one thing you wish your current husband/bf could change or improve on, so as to have an even healthier marriage?
.Women: Words of Advice You Can Pass Along?
Marriage is work, you have to work to make it strong all the time. The good times or bad you learn from each other and as long as you treat your wife the way she deserves to be treated and love her unconditionally and have great communication then that should be good.
Good luck and Congrats!!Women: Words of Advice You Can Pass Along?
pick and choose your battles! over half the time the fight is not worth it. there will always be problems. always. but a marriage that is based on true love, respect, compromise, and laughter will never fail. always try to make eachother feel special by doing all those little things that bring smiles to your faces. always set aside privite time for yourselves, especially if you have children! never go to bed angry. Cliche, i know, but it is so true! and say i love you every chance you get. good luck to you!
marriage is hard,but it is worth every minute.i dont like this section because people only talk about the bad and not the good.dont listen to all the bad problems.ask questions like what are the good things.u will find the good ones. u do have to work and work thru problems even when u want to give up. marriage is a blessing,me and my hubby fight but we still love each other and are grateful we are married. dont feed into the negative ones.
Just respect her. With respect comes listening, sharing responsibilities, and agreement (or agreeing to disagree).
And pick up some cleaner every now and then...and your underwear. :)
Not to think of sex as my job or choir.
Edit; and don't expect oral except on special ocassions recieving anyway
I agree with Amy. Marriage is a partnership - so don't expect to slack off. I work full time %26amp; my husband plays on the internet all day. But the house is spotless when I come home. I'll impart this to you: Don't expect too much. No one, no matter how happy in their marriage, has it perfect, or trouble free. They're happy in their marriage because they love eachother, and they are working through their differences to become stronger as a couple. The other important thing to remember is to marry someone you can appreciate. When you nit-pick at ways your spouse could improve or change, it only brings you (and your spouse) down. I admire my husband for his quirks, even if they drive me crazy sometimes. A healthy marriage comes from learning about eachother, and helping eachother grow. Not from trying to change eachother, or trying to impress everyone else with the ';perfect marriage';. Understand that you're going to fight %26amp; scream. There will be times your marriage is straight off of Y!Answers ;) But a happy marriage will work through those differences %26amp; come out on top. Most of all, don't worry about divorce. The more you worry about it, the closer you'll get to it. Trust me on that one.
Read ';The Proper Care %26amp; Feeding of Marriage'; together
';The relationship expert talks plainly and insightfully about how men and women are different. This optimistic and affirming lesson shows how men and women can depend on each other in healthy ways and live up to that trust even when it's difficult to do so.';
Learn about relationships as much as you can. Read books, go to seminars. You will be able to prevent problems rather than having to solve them when the feelings are hurt.
Read antropology books too to expand your views and to understand where traditions are coming from. Decide for yourself which ones are meaningful and which ones are obsolete.
Don't marry someone with baggage, make sure they pay off there credit bills before you get married, because if they lose there job it will be your responsibly to pay for it. I don't have to improve my husband we have been married for 27 years, he is who he is.
My advice is to get to know yourself. When you have a good idea of what you want, what you can tolerate, and what you cannot accept, you stand a chance of finding a partner who fits the bill.
All I have to say is treat her as u would want to be treated, if thats not possible then marriage is not the way to go! Make sure u love her and are willing to keep that love alive w/ affection and communication!
If you both are employed, the housework should be shared by both of you. Don't expect her to work full time and come home to do all the housework while you play on the internet.
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