Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm sad.... any words of advice or comfort?

I just put my beautiful cat to sleep today and now I'm extremely sad...can anyone offer any comforting words or advice on how to deal with this? Any kind words would be deeply appreciated. Thank you.

By the way, she was old and had tons of things wrong with her...the Vet and I decided this would be the best thing for her.I'm sad.... any words of advice or comfort?
I absolutely LOVE this

My deepest condolences for your loss. I put my kitty to sleep a year ago, and I still ache for her. but it was my choice to bring her into my life knowing she would go before me. and I try to remember the joy she brought me, and not the sorrow of her leaving.

and when you are ready, my your beautiful cat guide you to find a new soul to share your life with.I'm sad.... any words of advice or comfort?
Saying goodbye to a loved one is very difficult. I am sure your cat lived a good long life and had a wonderful family. I think putting a cat to sleep when they are in pain and extremely sick is a good thing to do. It takes courage to say good by and think of your pet and not your own feelings. In time I hope you get a new pet to love, they make our lives happier. I know you will never forget your cat, but there are so many other animals that need homes. I hope you will be able to open your heart for one of them.
I'm sorry for your feline friend. :( I have been through that before with my loving dog. She couldn't walk and she was in so much pain..that we just had to put her to sleep. The good thing is she is up there in heaven resting peacefully with no worries and no pain what so ever. But I really know what you are going through. Yes, it's okay to mourn, so I'm not saying to not be sad, because truly bad things happen to us in life, but just remember that every bad thing that happens to us opens a better door that leads us to good things.
Last week I had to put down my 18-year old arthritic cat who had a tumor that eventually prevented him from eating or using the bathroom. It was very hard for us to make the decision, but we could tell he was suffering and didn't want him to have to go through worse just because we didn't want to let him go. Overall, once the decision was made he seemed relieved that the pain was finally going to be over and we know he's happy and in heaven where he won't have any more pains. That night my mom had a dream that he came to visit her and he was bigger and stronger than he had been before, since he always saw himself as a protector. I believe that their spirits carry on, and that they can take whatever form they see themselves as. Plus, when we go to heaven we'll see our loved ones, which of course includes the kitties we love so much! Hope this helps :-)
I had to do the very same thing this morning, so I can completely understand the pain you are going through! It is so tough to let a loved one go, especially one that has been with you through it all and never once griped about it. All I can tell you is the same thing I've been telling myself all morning. She no longer has to be in pain or suffer and she knows that I loved her with all my heart. That is the most important thing, that you gave her a life worth living for!
I'm sorry for your loss. :( Maybe this poem can help:

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
I am sorry for your loss. What ever the circumstances it is painful to lose a beloved friend. I know your decision was heart wrenching and that you loved so much you only wanted what was best for her. I had to make the same decision a few years ago. I still miss her to this day. But I also know she is no longer in pain or miserable. Allow yourself to grieve but don't let it consume your life. Honor her memory by taking care of yourself and continuing on.
Hayyyy, be grateful she isn't suffering anymore!

If ';she was old and had tons of things wrong with her';, then you can only imagine the pain she was probably in.

You gave her a luxurious life with a warm home, abundant food, and love!
I know the feeling and my heart goes out to you at this time of loss.I have found that this site has helped me,especially the tribute/memorial page.鈥?/a>

You are not alone,so do not isolate yourself in pain,let your tears flow and feel the spirit healing itself.Remember,Energy never goes away and your baby girl is energy,her energy is still here and one day she will materialize unexpectatedly.My baby girl lost her physical body years ago but her energy is still here and appears in my beloved baby in my lap now,it feels good to know this.Our prayers are with you!
I am so sorry for your loss. Our cat is like our child. I can't imagine the day that we won't have her with us anymore. She just had to have emergency surgery and we were so scared for her. I guess the only thing that will help is time. They say time heals all and I guess it really does. Maybe you could make a shadow box or callage of her favorite things or photos to keep so you will feel like you have her near you. It is a hard thing you are going through.
I know how you feel and i am so sorry for your loss.Lossing a pet is like lossing your best friend.But you did the right thing by leting her go and she's in a happier place now.

You can E-mail me at

I really hope you feel better.
Oh L...I never saw this Q. I had no idea! I'm so sorry for you. It's so difficult to lose a family pet. I'm sure she's in a better place...chasing after butterflies and snacking on the fresh tuna :)

Hope you are feeling better...I know I'm a day late :)
I'm sorry for your loss. If she had many things wrong with her, you have to know that putting her down ended the pain she must have been in. I hope you could be with her in her final moments.
aww, im sorry. im not really sure what to say but the first thing that came to my mind was, my mom always told me that the first thing you will see when you get to heaven is your pets. im so sorry she had to be put down.
Aww, Im sorry, ur cat went to a better place and if he/she had alot of things wrong with him/her then u wouldnt want him/her to be in pain or have to suffer right?
My heart aches for you...I know your pain. Your furbaby is no longer in pain, but is running and playing and having a blast now, just know that. . . .
She was probably happy to go, if she was old and had lots of problems. She's not in pain anymore.

I know how hard it is dealing with the death of cats.
You'll be fine, I had to put my adorable American Cocker Spaniel Nicki to sleep when I was in first grade! If you need more comforting just email me! My email is thanks and try to stay strong!
awwww im soo sorry i hope you feel alot better :( good luck

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