Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Any words of advice for a sub?

I just graduated in June with my teaching degree and I have been subbing since September. . . I love it, and I am staying quite busy. I have heard all sorts of advice and ideas . . . like a bag of tricks or secret candy or stickers for the students . . . do you have any suggestions for me as a sub? Do I need a bag of tricks? What should I put in it? I don't like the candy idea . . . thanks : )Any words of advice for a sub?
First, remember that a sub is nothing more than a walking target. No mater what the reports are from the staff teacher, expect and prepare for the worst student behavior you can think of. The staff teacher should have a lesson plan for you. Yea, right!! Dream on.

1. Don't forget your Educational Psychology. Remember the Premack principle and hold your ground.

2. Don't give the students a show. They will be trying to push your buttons to see if they can make you lose it.

3. Ignore bad behavior as much as possible and permissible. Review #2 above.

4. If you need to reprimand a student, be nice, address the behavior not the student and do it privately.

5. Don't send students to the principal for everything. You're expected to have some classroom management ability.

6. Do have some interesting activities or age appropriate DVDs. If your walking into a class, no lesson plan is available and you don't feel comfortable with winging it on the subject, those DVDs will be a lifesaver.

A word about snacks, candy etc. You have no idea which student is diabetic, allergic to peanuts or is gluten intolerant. You'll have a hard time impressing anyone if you have a student in need of the EMTs because they are having an allergic reaction to something you gave them.

Any words of advice for a sub?
';Fairview'; above is right on.

The candy issue is a tough one. Don't give out candy.

As for DVD's - most movies, etc. have to be approved by the Bd. of Ed. before showing it in a classroom. It must also be part of the lesson plan. What do you want the kids to learn?

Whatever you do - make sure that it relates to education somehow. Even recess is related to ed. It is a time of socialization for little kids. As for big kids - they have no problem socializing...and that could be a problem too.

Stand your ground, don't waffle - no means no, it doesn't mean maybe. Kids know the rules and they will try to break every one of them when you sub. The more often you sub in the same school, the more the kids will know you.

You aren't there to be a buddy - you know this as a student teacher.

You'll do just great - hope you get a full time job out of this. Meanwhile, you will be getting lots of experience. Always come in with a lesson plan of some kind. If you are good at conducting games - and you know the content of the subject, you could base it on that.

Little kids need physical activity - Big kids need more ';on task'; things. I have given crossword puzzles as a sub - or have the kids make up one and then pass it to the person beside them -

Good luck!
Make sure you know EXACTLY what to do if blah blah blah happens and ask which kids to keep an eye on! ;]

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