Sunday, January 17, 2010

I intend on going to Australia this summer, any words of advice??

Well as the others have said, and strictly speaking, the Australian summer season is over in about 10 days, but summer seems to go on and on in Australia.

1. Always use sun screen, and wear a hat and sunglasses to avoid sunburn. Even one hour in the sun without protection during summer months and even at other times of the year can cause a nasty burn which will see you avoiding sunlight for the next few days.

2. Use insect repellant to avoid getting nasty mosquito bites. Some people aren't bothered by them but for others, a mosquito bite can be quite itchy and painful. Buy a good insect repellant and at night use a ';mosquito coil'; which are both available from Australian supermarkets.

3. Our beaches have areas patrolled by life-guards. Always swim between the flags at beaches so they can keep an eye on you, and raise your arm up if you get into trouble. Never swim in the surf if you've been drinking alcohol.

4. Crocodile Dundee was fictitious, and we don't all wrestle crocs nor do we call each other ';mate';.

5. Tipping is not a part of Australian culture. Whilst it's appreciated for outstanding service, it's not compulsory.

6. Australians have a terrific sense of humour but it may appear a little strange to you at first. Don't be afraid to ask for the joke to be explained. Aussies love to be able to translate the meaning of the joke.

7. Koalas and kangaroos are mostly only seen at zoos or in country areas and roads late at night.

8. Snakes and spiders are a common concern for international visitors because of the Crocodile Dundee films. But to set your mind at rest, most spiders we see in the corners of our homes are totally harmless. Just be careful if you see one that has a huge red bulge on its back. Snakes are rarely seen in urban areas, but again if you see one, stay well clear. Fatal snake bites are rare in Australia.

9. Enjoy your holiday.I intend on going to Australia this summer, any words of advice??
don't forget to take your sunscream and for more advice log on to http://www.easydestination.netI intend on going to Australia this summer, any words of advice??
drink driving and drugs are dealt with severely
I'm Aussie....... Have fun. Its amazing. Perth is crap.... don't go there. For some reason all British people think its the place to go. Stick to the East Coast..... Fly into Brisbane, you can either go up north to Cairns or south to the Gold Coast (Party Town!!!) Then Hire a car and drive to Sydney. On your Way stop off at Byron Bay... its the most amazing little town right on the beach. Its the most Eastern point of Australia. AMAZING!!!! The beaches are some of the best in the world.

Sydney is great, you have the best of both worlds with a great town and nightlife and great beaches!!!! Have fun! ;)
Yeah.....Enjoy........Its a great country.......And you have to go to a footy game...........
Have fun.
im lookin at going to Perth in the summer !!!

my aunt lives in sydney so im asking her for the info i need !
make sure you have a visa before coming

crystal what is sunsream? you mean sunscreen lol
Well i think you better get a passport first, =)

And don't for get to enjoy Australia's many great beaches!!!
why not go now....its summer there now...if you go during our summer it will be winter there... I just got back... you'll love it but its not cheap... everything is expencive these days there and dont break any traffic rules or its six points on your licence
watch out for the sting rays
Summers nearly over, when are you coming?

We have had our wettest summer in years, if you are not already booked the best time to come is Sept, Oct, Nov, weather is at it's most predictable. Bring your sunblock, insect repellent and Sunny's, and have a BLOODY Great time..

Are you working or back travelling?

I would say book your initial stay (first couple of nights) and see where the wind takes you.

If you go with a strict plan you may miss out on something amazing.

Take sun cream and go see Ramsay Street.
If you're going to Perth, you've missed the hot summer days. Autumn weather now.
Get a cool box go to where oz aerobics is filmed sit back a few beers and watch.fantastic or if you look at my 360 go to lillydale there is a strip club and you will see my friend carly she is hot and likes to party afterwards if you know what i mean.have fun
you better hurry

summer is over at the end of February here
make sure all your documents are in order, immigration is pretty stiff in Oz (at the airport).
check toilet seat before sitting

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