Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm getting nose surgery tomorow morning... any words of advice?

Right now I am really nervous about it... Could you tell me your experiences about it or just anything that would make me feel better? I'm 18 and have never had surgery before.I'm getting nose surgery tomorow morning... any words of advice?
hmm. words of advice...Dont eat before surgery.I'm getting nose surgery tomorow morning... any words of advice?
dont worry the staff and nurses know what they are doign and will make you as confortable as possible. you just have to communicate what you are feeling so that they can help you. so basically you will go to the hospital in the mornign check in and fill out paperwork go up and get preped (get gown on/ id bracelette/IV/etc) then they will bring ya down to the OR give you meds to make you go to sleep and the next thing you know you will be wakign up in the recovery room. once you wake up you may feel a little groggy and have some nausea from the anastetic used and some pain wherever the insicion is... but the nurses can treat all of this with meds. then dependign on what type of surgury you had you will either go home or up to the surgical floor either way you get to see you rfamily them and not be alone.....

dotn worry and good luck
Hello Ayla,

I am having surgery too tomorrow! But mine is for one tonsil that grew back and a tumor that might be cancer in my throat. I can feel your nervousness...! Just make sure that you follow all instructions the nurses give you before you leave the hospital or surgi center and DON';T eat or drink anything after 9:00 pm tonight before bed...or tomorrow before you go...nothing in your stomach.

Don't worry, just think happy thoughts so when you wake up you will be happy then too! If you are in pain, speak up and ask anyone (nurse) around may I please have something for pain! They will give you something if you haven't already.

Good Luck Girl! :D
don't worry. there is minimal pain. just try not to sneeze!
Stencil this on your forehead with permanent ink.........


(just to be safe)... Just make sure they know your COMPLETE medical history, even things you don't want to say, like if you smoke.... and make sure you get lots of liquids afterward, but nothing through a straw, from what I've heard... like the mouth, the suction can cause sinus bleeding. But as long as you're going to a reputable, experienced surgeon (and anasthesiologist) everything should be just fine.... Good luck and hope it goes well.
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