Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm quitting smoking tomorrow. Any words of advice?

Before I go to bed tonight, I plan on removing all ashtrays, lighters, and cigarette packs from my apartment and car. What else would you suggest?

Also, I am using the patch for the first time (I've tried cold turkey many times, but I wasn't successful). How long do I have to wait after my last cigarette to put it on?I'm quitting smoking tomorrow. Any words of advice?
Buy gum....when you feel the need to reach for a puff reach for a piece of gum instead.I'm quitting smoking tomorrow. Any words of advice?
when you fancy a cig, have a glass of water instead.
so many people say they are going to quit smoking but they never can...

so good luck to you
Good Luck..hope U really do quit cause its bad for you!! tell ya family members bout this!! they can help u out cause if u think bout cigarettes they can tell u ';no';! LOL!! all yea try and chew lots of gum!
git er done and don't quit quitting.

next try you see your dr, ask him about ';chantix'; it's working

for me
I quit over four years ago and I am so glad I did. If you really want to you can.

I used Quest.(I was not a heavy smoker)

Good Luck!
You may find that you cheat a little... that's OK. Stick to your decision. I know that you can do it!
stick to ur decision
Avoid people who smoke as well as places where you know smoking will be going on. Best of luck to you!
Good luck.My neighbor friend just quit after 30 years of can do it too!Your lungs will thank you.
Ya know... No one likes a quitter....

But good luck to you!
Maybe some hard candies to suck on to keep your mouth busy.

Or gum.
with strong will power you can
Good for you! Quitting is very hard to do, especially cold turkey! I think you can put the patch on the next day.

I quit using the nicotene mints over a year I'm addicted to the mints! But hey, anything is better than smoking! I wish you the best!!!
just do it.
First thing- Good Luck. I'm a smoker myself, been smoking for over 5 years. Its a nasty habit. Good idea about removing all the ashtrays and lighters, you don't want anything to give you the urge to smoke. My only suggestion would be keep you hands busy and your mind busy! good luck again!
First of all ask urself , do u really want to quit smoking if answer is yes then I don't think u need any sort of assistance or even advice.... best of luck.Keep ur will power strong and the world would be yours.
Faith, let your spiritual side out.
One of the things I did when I quit smoking was finding a few good friend who had also quit smoking. These people helped me keep my focus on staying smober. I also read and search a lot online about staying quit.

Wait about an hour after you had your last puff. What I did on that too was when I got up in the morning, I had my cup of coffee with my cigarette. Then I took a shower and then took a walk, when I got back, I put my patch on.

If you like online meetings and want some casual meeting on quitting - we have a website that might help - - check it out.

My last puff was 2/4/98,,, if can do it so can you!
i just want you to know that it is very hard, however as long as you have a good suppot team..... you can do it ...

one more thing is you might want to do somethng with you hands. and remember it is mind over matter, oh and chew lots of gum...........
I quit for 2 years and it is easy if your mind is set. I just kept doing things as I normally would.
just change the cigarette brand to some brand which is not good in taste and u even dont like it ! in couple of days u will definatley hate smoking ! Try.
well i am not completely sure about the hole ';patch thing';

but i do know from what i have leanred in family life at school that quiting cold turky is very very hard, try to smoke only for cigaretts a day for 1 week then the next week only three a day and so on that will probably help you better than just quiting cold turky and allso try the patch.

good luck!
The only way to quit is to quit drinking until you are positive you don't desire a smoke. You may even have to choose new friends and places to hang out. Good Luck. Stay away from anywhere that allows smoking. is a good site but if you keep talking about it, you will want to do it so you have to change your routine. Do some jumping jacks if you feel like having one. Brush your teeth. There's lots on the web for you to research.

Start re-washing your clothes, coats, bed linens if you were a smoker in the house.

If you find the need to smoke while you drive, grab a sucker and hold it like a cigarette.
Get thrown in jail for a week, that'll prevent you from reverting while your body adjusts to no nicotine!
I quit smoking 16 days ago. I planned my quit date 3 weeks in advance. I told myself every single day ';I can quit smoking'; outloud. I followed the advice and I also had a group of people on that helped me through support and motivation.

Take deep breathes after you quit, drink lots of water, and every time you have an urge, just wait at least 10 minutes and it will pass. If you are truly ready, it won't be that bad.

As for the patch, I really don't recommend it, but if you use it, I would put it on first thing in the morning. Don't sleep with it--it will give you wierd vivid dreams.

Good Luck!
Good luck to you, just remember that your body will be in a much better shape once you quit smoking. My friend just quit smoking using the Chantix medication. In the event the patches don't help, then checkout Chantix at

what ever you do don't pick up a cigarette bcuz when you smoke you effect ever one around you bcuz from Yahoo! Answers i learned that second-hand smoking is worst than first -hand. second-hand smoking is smelling smoke

frist-hand smoking is acuttly smoking a cigarette.
you should do something with your hands to distract you self

like draw or knit if your a women

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