Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What should your last words of advice for your loved ones be before you die?

Obviously it is best to advise our loved ones in life and not wait until dying. Nonetheless, I have written what humble advice I can for my son in case I should die. Each new moment of experience and wisdom obligates me to add or change this document again and again. If you were to lie on your deathbed today, your most loved ones asking for last words of advice, what would they be?

(ADVICE only, do not give expressions of love please, although, granted, these words are always important and have their place and time in life).What should your last words of advice for your loved ones be before you die?
Why would you advise them on your dying bed? Do you want them to remember you like this: ';even when he was dying the man just couldn't stop his unsolicited advice';? Advice is only well received when somebody asked for it. Otherwise, you're just nagging people.What should your last words of advice for your loved ones be before you die?
Be thankful for every break in your heart, because the past cant be rewritten, and take the life that you're given. Life throws you curves but you have to learn to swerve. And that everything you do, is a lesson learned.
Forgive and forget as soon as possible.

Love and blessings Don
love you,take care,you are mine......forever
Don't hold onto anger. Forgive as soon as possible

Laugh as often as you can. Enjoy simple pleasures.

See as much of the world as you can. Embrace other cultures. Keep an open mind. If you make a mistake, don't be afraid to rectify it. Never just ';make do'; in your personal relationships. Keep yourself humble.
love and take care of each other .

Don't stay angry at anyone.
say u love me and show me.
don't cry for death, party for the life we live.
Make sure there is ';NO'; UNFORGIVENESS In your Heart! And ';Have YOU Made Your PEACE With GOD? '; '; I Will Surely Be Waiting For YOU, On The Other Side. PLEASE Don't LET ME DOWN! '; '; Can I PRAY WITH YOU RIGHT NOW?';
Don't reproduce.

There are too many people in the world already.

Don't make the same mistake I did.

Have a good life.

The last one to leave, turn out the lights.
The difficulty lies in the fact that each of our experiences are different. What worked for you in your life is based on who you are, what you experienced and your situations. Your son will have a different experience.

Your advice likely excludes your son's perspective of the world. You are likely writing advice from the perspective of someone who is employed, secure, educated and has had a variety of life situations.
My last words would be...

';I will cease to be conscious of everything very soon. I will not be able to love or understand or sense anything ever again. However, '; I '; will not cease to long as you continue on and live your life. I love you, and that is inherently a spiritual connection. Through that connection, I shall pass ';myself'; into you. My thoughts, my emotions, and the appreciation I have had of my life...will now be within you. ';I'; will miss feeling the world and its wonderful beauty. But everyone has to pass on sometime, so that even more people can emerge to experience that beauty and develop thoughts about it. Understand my love, FEEL it entering into you. I am now apart of you, until you pass on and connect with another loved one. Remember how I lived my life. My strength will always be with you.';
Live life. Don't stand on the shore. Brave the tide. Be bold and brave.
Never have regrets, at the time whatever was done right or wrong seemed like a good idea at that point in time. Enjoy life and be happy, make something of yourself, I am proud of you and your accomplishments. = )
don't grieve. have fun... i'll see you sooner than you think!

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