Sunday, January 17, 2010

Any words of advice for someone who's 39 weeks 3 days pregnant?

Any advice would be appreciated :-)Any words of advice for someone who's 39 weeks 3 days pregnant?

Relax and enjoy! lol you will need all your energy for when baby is here.

Good luck

xAny words of advice for someone who's 39 weeks 3 days pregnant?
Well, it depends what kind of advice you're looking for. Advice on how to start labor? Walk, and relax, let your body do what its supposed to do. Eat some spicy foods, or pineapples. (crazy, I know, but its sposed to work!) You can also have sex, if you can muster up the energy. Sex releases oxytocin, which can cause contractions. Semen also has a substance which helps to soften the cervix. And stimulate your also releases oxytocin, which can bring on labor. Of course, nothing will start labor until your body is ready. Congrats! And good luck!
Take time to do all the things that might be hard once you have a newborn... catch a movie, dinner with friends, nap nap nap or even a few long relaxing baths.

Don't waste your time and energy trying to get baby out, baby will come when baby is ready. All the ways to self induce labor are old wives tales, none medically proven (and at almost 42 weeks I know they don't work for everyone).
Have your bags ready,lol. And be prepared for the wierdest stuff around this time. My ob said tomorrow I will be 39 weeks and my blood pressure just started shooting through the roof( and I barely touch salty stuff). And my ribs hurt and I was fine for the longest. But enjoy and soon you will have the baby in your arms not in your belly, putting its foot in awkward places.
Get a lot of rest!!!!!! And when in labor....stare at the ceiling, and take long, slow breaths. I started doing it towards the end, and it actually helped! Bring some suckers with you. Because all they give you is ice chips...and they start tasting like crap after awhile. I brought jolly rancher suckers.
My advice, is to just sit down, relax and enjoy! You little bundle of joy will be here soon! So get as much rest as possible!!! :]

good luck %26amp; congratulations!
good luck love. Youll need it. get alot of rest! terrible twos will suck it right back out of you.
dont get your hopes up on your due date hun!

im 10 days overdue:(

good luck i hope you dont go overdue x
Rest rest rest!!

Be excited!!
sleep as much as u can congrats
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