Sunday, January 17, 2010

Anyone care to give me a few words of advice, please..?

Basically, I feel crap. My hobby I once loved is now nothing to me and it's getting really hard to drag myself to it, I feel like my friends don't like me as much as they did and I'm feeling really lonely recently. I'm never that happy or excited for long either. Have I got something wrong with me or is it just temporary ';down in the dumps';?Anyone care to give me a few words of advice, please..?
Everyone has down days. What separates ';down in the dumps'; or ';feeling blue'; from real depression is how you let it affect you. For me, I couldn't get out of bed and missed over a week of school. That's when I knew I needed help and was prescribed antidepressants. Talk to your parents, a doctor, a counselor, or friend and figure out what's bothering you. It's probably just holiday blues, but make sure that it's not something serious before it gets out of control. Trust me, I know how bad it can get. I hope you feel better soon and that it's not depression. Because honestly, it really sucks to go through that kind of thing. Anyone care to give me a few words of advice, please..?
Probably just down in the dumps, find a friend whether girl or guy go out have some fun, force yourself it will pay off, but one thing I realize is you sound like a very sweet woman, so take care of yourself maybe just lay in bed, watch a movie, get popcorn and just give yourself a night to enjoy, maybe take one of those nice baths girls like.. you can't ever be happy unless you give yourself a reason to be! If you have a man in your life just both you take a day off and go out do something out of the ordinary I.E. balloon festival or something new to you try to enjoy your time.. Best of luck!
everyone goes through those phases in their lifetime, but if you've had these symptoms on and off for years now, see a psychologist because you may have depression, you just described about every symptom of it. so if you really want it to go away i'd talk to your parents about getting you in therapy.

good luck!

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