Tuesday, May 11, 2010

1st year teaching 4th Grade..any words of advice?

Hi i am going to be teaching 4th grade in sept...this is my first classroom/year and I am really excited but ridiculously nervous...i just graduated college 1.5 years ago...so i am still relatively young/unexperienced (i have student taught in k,1,3 before)

does anyone have any tips or advice to give me...especially about the first few days...what activities to do.

i am also teaching at a charter school that focuses on science and math...any tips on how to teach certain areas of those subjects well? what types of concepts are most difficult for them.

any advice would be greatly appreciated! thanks.1st year teaching 4th Grade..any words of advice?
I was a first year teacher last year. I teach 3rd grade. I think the most important thing to keep in mind is to start the year out by building a sense of community in your classroom. Do activities that help the students and yourself get to know one another. The first day of school I put a white paper lunch sack on each students desk with a few little things in it from me (pencil, eraser, stickers, sticker book, etc.) then while students are arriving, they can be decorating their white sack. Then I have all the students take the sack home and bring it back the next day with 3-5 things to help us get to know them better. I give all the students an opportunity to share what they brought and why they chose those items. I think it's a fun way to have kids talk about themselves, have students ask questions, and get to know each other.

You will get through it! Take it one day at a time. It can be very overwhelming, but just remember this is what you have gone to school to do. You have the education, now it's time to put it into action.

Best of luck!1st year teaching 4th Grade..any words of advice?
I hope this helps with maths.....

There's two sites!

Good Luck

make sure they use the restroom before class

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