Tuesday, May 11, 2010

About to be a single mom...words of advice and encouragement?

Hi there! I am 33 weeks pregnant and while trying to prepare for a baby I am also dealing with the reality of being a single mom. Honestly I am just really scared. I know that I can do and will be a great mom, but it's just the unknown. My ex-fiancee totally swept me off my feet and led me to believe that he would take care of me when we met a year ago. (I know it's my fault for completely trusting him). Now I am pregnant without a job and a lot of other things. I will be getting an apartment and child support in time. I just get scared about how I will make things work. I would really love to hear some success stories and advice from other single moms who faced a similar situation.

--Please save your rude comments. I need some nice words right about now :)

~JessicaAbout to be a single mom...words of advice and encouragement?
Jessica, you are about to enter into the land of unknown. I want to let you know that I will be praying for your baby and you. Millions have gone before and the best thing for you to do right now is to pray and talk to your family (if any). God is there right next to you and is leading you down the right path, you just have to listen to him.About to be a single mom...words of advice and encouragement?
My mother was a single mom for 17 years of my life, 14 years of my brother's life, and all of both of my little sister's lives. She used to be really down in the dumps about everything. She pulled through though, and became a successful software designer that was able to support all of us. She is still really successful nowadays, and she has a beautiful little house with my two younger sisters, and still no hubby. She is doing fine though, and is really happy. Don't worry- you will pull through this.
You will do fine. Your baby will be healthy, you will be healthy and you will have a wonderful little child to love and care for. Everything will work out for you, as long as you stay positive. Karma will give you what you owe, and sweetie, I think it owes you a-lot. I wish you nothing but luck and love in your life.
I'm not a single mom so I can't really relate to you but my mom was for a looooooong time. I also know several single moms. It's bitter sweet for them but they always tell themselves to hang in there and do the best that you can cuz in the end it really is worth it.

You will do great just keep your head high.

Also if you don't know about WIC program, check it out at http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/
i have been raised by a single mom from my first week of kindergarten. times have been hard, and right now, because my younger brothers decided to go live with the sperm donor, my mom and i are going to lose our house soon.

still, i just graduated valedictorian from my high school. my mom stayed devoted to us and i think i've turned out quite well.

good luck!
I was a single mom for approximately 1 year.

All I have to say to you is.....

';It was the best and most special year of my life.';

Well, you can do it as long as you think you can. Attitude is very important and so is support. Will your family help you at all? It is important for you to have some time to yourself, to have breaks and such. Its no fun doing it all on your own, but you can do it,maybe you won't be alone for long. Take one day at a time. Plan a future for yourself so that you will never be dependent on another man or human being again. Be a strong role model for your child, make sure they have a good strong male role model in the future.

Good luck...from a lady who's been there.
Well Jessi. being a single mom is not that hard if you have a plan as to how you want to raise the baby and live your life. If you want to get a Job make plans for child care. You can get assistant from the government as well. They can help with things like employment, food, health care, and child care. No one wants to be a single mom, but sometimes we fall short. If you need further help always turn to your bible it may not be a ';how to be a great mom'; book but it will help guide you when you think the world is on your shoulders.
The donor of my daughter, who is now 6, almost 7, left when she was only 6 months old. I was scared, devastated, and emotionally drained. I wasn't sure of how things would be. I do have to say that is was the best 18 months. It was just Emmaleigh and I. We did everything together. She was my reason for living, for working, for breathing!! She still is, don't get me wrong. Life has changed in 5 years, I have since found the love of my life and father of my other children. He adopted my daughter just a year ago, and she has known him as daddy since she was 18 months old.

It was the best bonding ever. She and I are still really close. It was just her and I for so long. We depended on each other.

I worked full time, and was a mommy full time. It is hard at times, but honestly, it was worth every bit of heartache!!

Life throws twists and turns at you, but as long as you keep your whits about you, things will turn out just fine!! Trust in yourself and your decisions. You will do just fine!!
I know want you going through. I am single mom of two boys and expecting my third. I was 20 when I first got pregnant and was single has well. I was living with my parents and I wasn;t working either. But when I was five months along I got a job.But lasted couple of months. But 8 months along got a job but able to work 6 hours week. After that I got welfare and didn;t go back to work after the baby was born. My son was born with cleft palate so I had to stay home and take care of him. They found his father that is a jerk right now haven;t paid much paid child support. With my second I was working a job and they help me out so much. I took a month off and went back to work. Then my youngest son was14 months I moved out of my parent house for the first time and live in apartment. Now I am living in a house that I am renting from my mom and two aunts. It was my grandpa house with cheaper rent. I am 15 weeks along through this pregnancy. i get social security and my two kids get SSI. I am surviving. My family is supporting me in anyway. I love my children very much. I know you can do it. You be able to get welfare checks till you get back to work. That would help. You be able to get help with child care cost has well. And food stamps till you get a job after the baby born. Is your family help you support in anyway they can. I wish you the best. If you need someone to talk to just send me message on here from my profile I would be glad to send you my email if you need talk to. I know you can do it because I can..
Sometimes the benefits of being a single mom can actually outweigh the costs. I was raised by a single mom and I never felt my lack of a father. I had Mom's undivided attention and learned to read at three years old without being taught just because my mom spent so much time reading to me that I just picked it up. She got child support and worked jobs that allowed her to take me along. Mom said that when I was little and woke up in the middle of the night she would just get up put me in the car and drive around the block until I fell back to sleep in my baby seat, something she would never have been able to do while with my father. You have the opportunity to make all of your child raising decisions irrespective of other people's opinions and your child will love you for all the time you are not wasting on a loser dad. Most people have a great deal of respect for a mother who can go the distance even the man in the man in her life lacked the courage. Congratulations on your baby, you won't be alone much longer.
I was 16 when I got pregnant and my guy left me ....i dropped out of school went to a school for young mothers and got 2 jobs..one for us..and one for daycare...Look at me now..i made it...!!!!!!!!I never collected welfare or support from the father. My dad did help me emtionally, like if I wanted to go out once in awhile to get a little break he would watch my baby for 1 hr. It was great.

my daughter was walking at 6 months...saying her complete alphabet at 1yrs along with coutning to 20 at 1yrs old. She is now 6 yrs old, reading on a 2nd grade level and she has been doing addision and subtraction for 1 yr. She is so smart...
Jessica, look i know it will be hard at 1st, but you will always live your life for your child. just keep you head up high, and take it one day at a time. and your ex is the one that will miss out. just remember that, enjoy your new baby. and it will be okay, god wont give you anything that you cant handle, and he will never close one door without opening another. you will make just fine on your own. sometimes we dont understand why thing happen the way that they do, but in the end it always works out, i promise... i lost my dad when i was 10, and we moved and lost the house and cars, i mean we had nothing and my mom and two sisters, and then my step dad came along, like 3 months after he passed, and i would never trade him, then i got beat my my ex husband, after only being married for 2 months, in the hospital for 7 days, and then move away from my family to get away from my ex, to memphis, and met my husband now... and he is the best thing that ever happen to me, i miss my dad, but in the end it all worked out..... just always remember you can do anything, as long as you try. AND YOU CAN DO THIS....
When I moved back to town, I didn't have a job and I lived with my mom. I met a great guy, who turned out to be an alcoholic and ended up pregnant. He lived with his mom, I lived with mine, what better way to meet someone because all we could do was head upwards, right? Nope.

He's still an alcoholic and I'm carrying his second child now. But I have a wonderful son, a daughter on the way (I'm 38 weeks pregnant and felt it mowing my 1/2 acre lawn this weekend), my own house, and a job that I love!

I have told myself ';do you know how many women are out there that want to have a child and PAY to get artificially inseminated?';

You need to get into college so that you can make a decent living. Child support is one thing, but you can't really count on it! You need to contact social services in your area and see if they can help you out!

Tell yourself that you're a STRONG woman and NOTHING is going to stand in the way of you raising and enjoying your child!
I am not a single mom, but my dad left my mom when i was 12 and I could see how hard it was for her to try to come up with all that extra financial and emotinal support that was needed to raise my sister and I.

Honestly, it was hard growing up and I did not appreciate all the effort she did for us but I certianly know now how much she actually did work.

One thing that she did not do was ask for help, do not be afarid to go and ask for help with anything.

Here is a website to help you with free products and samples for your baby'




also remember to spend time on yourself, get someone to babysit and have lunch with friends, get your nails done, you have to be able to give ur self some time to relax and refocous as well.

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