Sunday, May 9, 2010

What are your best words of advice from your Racing journey?

Hello :)

I was just wondering what your best of advice was when it came to racing (specifically 3k in track. but any and all advice welcomed and appreciated)

I am pretty much the girl who has NO idea how to race. I mean, I kindda just go out and do whatever, but nothing I do seems to work. Go out fast with the group? Or pace it?

So many elements!

What is your best stratedgy? And what do you think mine would be? (I am pretty much naturally able to run far, and I'd say i have a pretty good kick. but how can i use this? I always either go too fast and die, or too slow and have a huge kick)

Anyways, I'm done :)

Thanks for the help!What are your best words of advice from your Racing journey?
Hmmm. Interesting question that requires some thought...

1) The #1 best predictor of your performance will be the number of miles/km/hours of training you put in. The more miles you have under your belt the better you will perform.

2) To be a truly great runner requires a mix of training types. You need to mix long-distance endurance runs with short, fast runs and sprints to maximize your body's improvement. Speed work will help with endurance and vice versa.

3) Running is mental. Keep your head on straight, keep your attitude positive, and work your butt off.

4) Use the cadence of your elbows to power yourself when you're feeling weak. Your legs will follow your elbows.

How do those sound?What are your best words of advice from your Racing journey?
90% if success is just showing up.

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